Monday, April 16, 2018

Social Dancing: 4/13 Edition - The One Where I Finally Danced Shag

It's been a while since I've updated this little corner of the internet! A lot has been happening in my life the last few months. Things like getting into the LEAP Apprenticeship at Microsoft, moving out of my childhood home, buying a car, starting the LEAP Program and doing fun stuff with my cohort, and my family moving out of state.

But that's not what this post is about. I'm here to talk about the most wonderful time I had this past Friday. It was amazing!

Before spending the night at Eastside, I went bowling with a bunch of people from my cohort. Tons of fun, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm still sore from that. So my day was already off to a great start. Then after fueling with MOD Pizza and catching up with dance friends, the night of dancing began.

One of the magical parts about Friday was the band playing, which included some special out of town guests: The Brothers Arntzen, Evan and Arnt. The rest of the line up included the wonderful Jen Hodge, the piano and ukulele master Casey MacGill, and the always amazing Julian McDonough. How can you go wrong with that line up?!?! And the band was on. fire. Seriously. The crowd at Eastside is know for always giving the band a lot of love, but the enjoyment and enthusiasm that night was through the roof, and rightfully so. They were amazing and so fun to dance to!

Then there was the dancing, which was wonderful. The floor was full of people having a great time and I had a lot of really fun dances. One of the highlights of the night was dancing collegiate shag for the first time. You have no idea how happy that made me! I was out on the dance floor when my partner asked if I knew any shag. I said a tiny bit and we started dancing it and a minute or two in he asked "what's up with you only knowing a tiny bit?!" and I told him how I've practiced a lot on my own, but had never actually danced it with a partner. Oh my goodness, it was so much fun and it made me so happy! I definitely need more shag in my life. The next morning I had to DM Kendall, my biggest collegiate shag inspiration, to share as she's always so encouraging and I knew she's be excited as well (and she definitely was). Love all the awesome people in the dance community!

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